Movie Show Exhibition

My contribution to ‘The Movie Show’ ( at Maghen Gallery in Paris  
The groupshow will run from June 28 - July 30, 2013.
I had to illustrate one movie, I let you guess which one it is.
Acrylic paint on paper.

Merci à Seb pour l'invit' ^^

14 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

So awesome!

L Rossi a dit…

:D The perfect film to watch at Christmas time!

Said Omar Eshaq a dit…

Hahaha man I love their expressions :)

Señorita Tejon a dit…

Home Alone! one of my favourite movies as a kid!!
You caught their facial features so well!!

Aira a dit…

I love this movie :) and your illustration is AMAZING :D

Nikolas Ilic a dit…

Love it!!

source a dit…

j'aime beaucoup les "couleurs" ;-)

Tal Rachmin a dit…

home alone!
ha, great!

Unknown a dit…

I think this is home alone. the water bandits strikes again. The movie was so funny that i even watched all of it.

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Anonyme a dit…

Brings back memories! I really love watching Home alone. You'll laugh till the very end of the story.

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Anonyme a dit…

I love Home Alone movie.. I remember watching it as a kid.

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