Marcus Level

Here are some designs I’m doing these days for an upcoming Tv show. The serie is called “Marcus Level", created by Ahmed Guerrouache, with Mondo Tv France, in Paris.
I’m the character designer on this show, and first episodes will appear till the end of the year. 

11 commentaires:

Shawn Boyles a dit…

The zombie snail is amazing! Great work.

Unknown a dit…

very nice blog,Adobe Photoshop CS6 13.0.1 Final Multilanguage (cracked dll) vist ==> DOWNLOAD

Kyle a dit…

Downloaded it and i was amazed on how the game system works! Way too cool!

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Anonyme a dit…

Tried it to and some of the Collectables are pretty hard to get!

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Unknown a dit…

beautiful artworks... simple but unique..

Unknown a dit…

Love Marcus level game and cartoon also, this game is one awesome game I've ever seen.

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Unknown a dit…

I wanna see all of your designs in the future....
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Must see Fair Oaks Garage Doors a dit…

I love these cartoon characters, especially the robot one

ahmed a dit…

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kopi.J a dit…

WOW! I Love it...
and i thing thats good for you >>

THE MOVIE Thank you!

chanee a dit…

I will be looking forward to your next post. Thank you
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