Once upon a time, there was a chemistry teacher...

Two illustrations I did for the exhibition at Nucleus Gallery ” A Tribute to Little Golden Tales”. I had to illustrate a famous movie, tv show or videogame, in the “Little Golden Books” style.
It’s gouache on paper.

ou can see the event here : http://www.gallerynucleus.com/gallery/pieces/416

Jamie and Oggy

Some posings I did last year on different shows. I helped Brendan Merien on "Jamie's got Tentacles", and Thierry Gérard on "Oggy and the cockroaches", who were the main character designers of the shows.

Marcus Level

Here are some designs I’m doing these days for an upcoming Tv show. The serie is called “Marcus Level", created by Ahmed Guerrouache, with Mondo Tv France, in Paris.
I’m the character designer on this show, and first episodes will appear till the end of the year. 

Movie Show Exhibition

My contribution to ‘The Movie Show’ (http://the-movie-show.blogspot.fr/) at Maghen Gallery in Paris  
The groupshow will run from June 28 - July 30, 2013.
I had to illustrate one movie, I let you guess which one it is.
Acrylic paint on paper.

Merci à Seb pour l'invit' ^^

"It's the shiz NICK" Exhibition

Here's a piece I did for the "It's the shizNICK" exhibition, that will open next friday (the 19th) at the IAM8BIT Gallery. LA friends should come over. There'll be a bunch of amazing artists! 

My painting was inspired by the "Hey Arnold" show from the 90's. It's gouache on paper.

You can check the event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/433951343357568/